Tom Rizzo Presents "Five Mistakes Killing Self-Published Authors"

Tom Rizzo
MAP Group member, Tom Rizzo, author of Last Stand at Bitter Creek, will lead the discussion for our next meeting on Thursday, June 12, at 11:45am in the Board Room at Helen Hall Library. Our topic is an article titled, “Five Mistakes Killing Self-Published Authors” by Kristin Lamb.

You can read the article on this link:

The content includes the following:

Mistake #1 Publishing Before We Are Ready

Mistake #2 Jumping in Before Understanding the Business Side to the Business

Mistake #3 Believing that, “If We Write it They Will Come”

Mistake #4 Misusing FREE!

Mistake #5 Shopping One Book to DEATH

Our group talked about points #1 and #2 at previous meetings, and will continue discussing the remaining points in June.
Please join us for this valuable exchange of information. Our goal is to share our marketing experience to help all our members achieve book publishing success.