by Gloria Hander Lyons
MAP Group member, Keith Hick, who lives in the UK and visits
our group a couple of times each year, recently sent me a notice about a
critique he wrote for a fellow author’s book. His announcement reminded me of
an important rule for all authors:
1. Write
what you know, OR it will show
2. Write
what you love, AND it will show
Keith is a retired architect/engineer who is passionate about his hobby, golfing. He published a book on the topic, titled, The Hesketh Golf Club 1885-1985. He has 40 years of experience managing golf tournaments, was the editor and publisher of The Golf Coast Golfer Magazine for two years and has been the Executive Secretary for the Southport and District Golf Association since 1972.
Can you tell he enjoys golf? What better topic for him to
share in his writing?
Another critical aspect of marketing yourself as a
successful author is keeping your name out in the public eye. Promoting another
author’s work, through book reviews, comments on FaceBook pages, or writing guest
blogs, is a great way to do this. Keith wrote a critique of fellow golfer,
Howard Bennett’s book, Stories,Observations, Suggestions: 50 Years as a PGA Proffessional. But, unlike
the usual “review” or “critique”, which is written after the fact, Keith’s
contribution is included on page 4 of Mr. Bennett’s book—even better.
As a writer, remember to write what you know—what you are
passionate about—because it will show. And don't forget to share your expertise with others.