Book Recommendation for Publishing and Marketing

MAP Group Member, Larry Watts, author of:  Cheating Justice and Right, Wrong and Rationalizing Truth, submitted the following article about publishing. 
Recently I attended the Houston Indie Book Festival with friend and fellow MAP member Tom Rizzo. While there, a young man came by our table giving copies of a book away…FREE! This was a really nice surprise, since neither Tom nor I sold enough of our books to buy lunch. I began reading it the next afternoon, didn’t put it down until finished. The book is Publishing and Marketing Realities for the Emerging Author by Christine Rose.  
I am not considered a high-tech genius by my off-spring, their off-spring or even the great-grandchildren, but this book made me feel like one! It is the best ‘how-to’ book I’ve ever read for getting a book published and marketing it in our high-tech world. I can now tweet, twitter twatter, link, facebook friend, blog, jog, and fly to the moon, with the best of them.  Oh, and did I tell you that after reading it, I learned the author has now published a second edition, which I purchased, and even with everything I learned in the freebie, the second edition was even better and well worth the cost. 
Every day something in high-tech marketing changes. An app becomes obsolete about every 15 minutes. ‘App’ is computer lingo we techies use to describe computer do-dads that give a computer instructions about how to do something. Think word processing, a computer game or a simple calculator. In the 2nd edition, Ms. Rose gives us two years of updated information since the initial publication.  For instance, she now recommends Create Space over Lightning Source as a POD printing venue. There I go again! Once you become a techie, you can’t help yourself!  You must use these acronyms such as POD for ‘print on demand’ to prove that you really are in the know. 
If you are ready to publish your next book or if it’s already available but you are disappointed in the sales, I highly recommend that you purchase and read this book. I’ll miss the June MAP meeting because we’ll be traveling to Tampa for a grandson’s wedding, but I wish you all a great meeting, great success with your writing and even better success with your publishing and marketing!!! 
Larry Watts